
Myopic Eye.png

MYOPIA (shortsightedness) 
Although progressive myopia cannot be cured, there are an increasing number of promising treatment options you can use to curtail it. 

Why do we need to control myopia?
Generally once you become myopic, it tends to worsen over time. Higher levels of myopia are associated with higher risks of eye diseases like glaucoma, retinal detachment and cataracts later in life.

What causes myopia development and progression?
Genetics, each individual’s characteristics and environment. Your clinical myopia profile is below. 

NOTE: It is recommended that an AT RISK, normally sighted child should be monitored every six months if two or more of these are medium risk. If two or more of these are high risk, active treatment is recommended.A myopic child – if both visual effi…

NOTE: It is recommended that an AT RISK, normally sighted child should be monitored every six months if two or more of these are medium risk. If two or more of these are high risk, active treatment is recommended.
A myopic child – if both visual efficiency risk factors 1 and 2 are high, progressive addition or bifocal spectacles may be recommended. If only one is high, orthokeratology/CRT or mul focal soft contact lenses may be recommended. Monitoring every six months is advised. 

NOTE: Environmental risk factors are unlikely to affect the management pathway, however they are modifiable and should be considered in view of the overall myopia risk profile. Tips for modifying environmental risk:-  Spend time outside each da…

NOTE: Environmental risk factors are unlikely to affect the management pathway, however they are modifiable and should be considered in view of the overall myopia risk profile. Tips for modifying environmental risk:

-  Spend time outside each day. Walk the dog, ride a bike, play in the backyard, sit outside in shade. It is the brightness of natural sunlight which is beneficial rather than UV light–still take sun protection precautions.
-  Take regular breaks from close work. Look away for a minute or so to change your focus, or change your task every 30-60 minutes to alter the demand on your visual effciency (eye teaming) systems.
-  Try to limit near tasks (after school/work) to 2 hours per day. This also includes leisure time – ensure it is not primarily spent on handheld digital devices or other close vision tasks like reading and drawing. On the weekends, ensure a balance between inside and outside time, and increase natural lighting. 

I’M ALREADY MYOPIC! How can I put the brakes on my shortsightedness?
Myopia control is the area of science dedicated to slowing down or stopping the progression, or worsening, of myopia in children and young adults. The following table is a compilation of over 30 research papers on myopia control, published up to and including 2014. 

Myopia Table.png